Engineers on demand and the advantage for organizations

In the last few years, we have gradually eased into an on-demand world. A flexible and scalable cloud reduces investment required in on-premise infrastructure and staff augmentation solutions reduce the need for hiring permanent staff.

The use of on-demand engineers is fast gaining popularity, with a large number of global corporations employing them in one way or another.

But not every company is the same. You need to ascertain that the use of on-demand engineers will add value to your business before you venture into that territory. Here are some of the benefits you could expect from going down this path:


It works out to be a cost-effective solution in the long run, even though the resource cost might be the same as your hired staff. This is because the on-demand engineer does not need to be paid when there is no work. The engagement is contract or assignment-specific.

Better quality

Though some companies have a concern that freelancers, since they are not invested in the company, may do a shoddy job, the opposite may actually be truer. Freelancers need to build a personal profile so that they can get the next job and the next. This can only be done through references of clients which, in turn, they can only get of they do a good job. Hence, there seems to be more interest for them in doing a good job than a bad one.

Network of resources

The use of on-demand engineers enables a company to expand its resource pool. This can come in handy when they need to balance out the peaks and troughs in the volume of work. They can staff for the troughs but access the larger talent pool when peaks arrive.

Faster execution

As most engagements are based on tasks, and not time, engineers operating in this manner have an interest in completing the task and moving on to the next. Delaying it is of no interest. For hired resources, there may not be any incentive to complete a task fast.


Freelancers tend to develop their skills and profile around one or more areas they are good at, and move from one company to another, gaining experience and further improving their skills, executing jobs around those areas. This model, then, is likely to fetch the most qualifies engineers in the area of requirement.

Employment related issues

While some people count this as a benefit of the on-demand model, if not structured correctly, issues can arise in these contracts as well. Of course, since the commitment on both sides is perhaps lower, the issues might also be of a lower intensity.

In conclusion, with a bewildering array of engineering specializations, it may not be possible for one company to hire all types. Staffing companies such as Ushankk often have many of them on their rolls and can be a useful partner in giving companies access to a wide spectrum, as well as number, of engineers, who are available on an on-demand basis.

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