IT Staff Augmentation Can Help You Scale Up Rapidly

If you have still not heard of IT staff augmentation, the most plausible reason is that you have been living under a rock, as it has become a popular model amongst most seekers of IT talent.

What is IT staff augmentation?

IT staff augmentation could be defined as a form of outsourcing. In an outsourcing arrangement, the partner takes responsibility for execution with the project outcomes being the deliverables. The client, or principal, has limited control on a day-to-day basis.

In a staff augmentation arrangement, the partner sources and manages the people that are required for the project, or task, and manages them administratively. However, they are directly managed by the client as far as work-related responsibilities and execution is concerned, affording much greater control and flexibility on allocation and utilization of the resource’s time.

Who can benefit from IT staff augmentation?

While it could deliver benefits to any company that employs or uses IT specialists and IT consultants, this could be for you:

  • If you have a core team of resources who are becoming pressed on account of challenging delivery timelines or many different assignments, you can add a team of IT contractors through this route, increasing capacity and providing relief to the core team.
  • If you are engaged in a project that requires expertise in many different technologies, it might be better to engage IT consultants through this route as you may not have a need for expertise in many of those technologies beyond the project.
  • If you are a startup and are rushing to meet deadlines to deliver while still not certain of the acceptability of the platform, leveraging IT staff augmentation will ensure your work is done without having the responsibility of headcount in case the product does not work out as expected.
  • If you are a startup on a shoestring budget, instead of committed headcount, leverage the flexibility of IT staff augmentation and spend your money wisely.
  • If as an IT business you take on different projects for clients, it could be useful if you have resources that you don’t need to worry about or find work for, after this project gets over. IT staff augmentation gives you that peace of mind.
  • If your recruitment team is stretched to capacity, this strategy enables you to add the capability of an IT staff augmentation solutions provider. Without adding headcount, it adds skills, some of which you may not have, and capacity, to your business, and opens up untapped pools of talent.
  • If you have exhausted the usual talent pools, hiring IT consultants with varying work arrangements, including remote, enables you to tap into newer pools of talent across wider geographic spread.

IT talent is in demand as technology constitutes the backbone of business regardless of industry. Ensure that you are using the right strategies to access IT talent, IT consultants and IT contractors through trusted providers such as Ushankk.

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