Outplacement is a key pillar to support the maintenance of goodwill in the marketplace

Outplacement often gets confused with outsourced staffing when, in fact, they are almost the opposite of each other. Of course, experienced staffing solutions providers such as Ushankk often provide both services as they are like the two sides of a coin for them.

Outsourced staffing is the service you need when your company is seeking talent. An expert provider helps you find that talent.

Outplacement, on the other hand, is a service through which your company seeks help from an expert provider to support the process of transitioning out excess staff. In the increasingly dynamic world we live in, it is no longer unusual for companies to shut down businesses or drastically curtail investment, often triggering the need for releasing at least a part of the workforce. While some companies do it inhouse, the preferred model for most is the retention of an expert provider to handle it for them, as it has really nothing to do with their existing business.

What services are included?

While the range of services included in the package could vary from one employer to the next, the objective remains the same – to achieve a successful, frictionless career-transition for the impacted employees.

The benefits usually include:

  • Enabling the individual to evaluate his/her knowledge, skills and competence and identifying the type of opportunities that would be most suitable.
  • Recommend suitable training interventions to augment skill gaps, or to build skills demanded by the new workplace which they are deficient in. Some training interventions could be included in the sponsored programme.
  • Helping the individual navigate the employment ecosystem and its participants such as job boards and recruiting companies and equipping him/her to interact with it to one’s advantage.
  • Creating the required artefacts, such as resumes, cover letters, recommendation letters, etc. that prospective employers will be interested in.
  • Equipping him/her with the ‘moment of truth’ skills such as interviewing and negotiating compensation.
  • Other tips and tricks that could be useful, such as networking.

Outplacement – benefits to the company

Outplacement programmes are sponsored by the employer. The question is, why would a company that is trying to save money by releasing employees no longer needed, at least for the foreseeable future, spend on sponsoring an outplacement programme?

As an ongoing enterprise, while the current need may be to reduce staff, the company may well have a need to hire people at some point in future. Hence, it cannot afford to be seen as an insensitive employer. Supporting employees not currently needed through outplacement support is seen as necessary for the maintenance of its brand value and appeal. Some studies show an increase in productivity and loyalty in the employees who remain in companies who provide outplacement services.

Everyone wants to work for a caring and sensitive employer, is it not?

Getting the right outplacement partner

Ushankk provides a comprehensive suite of services designed to support employees across varying skill and seniority levels, designed to provide satisfaction to impacted employees and empower them to transition to a new tomorrow. Ushankk’s own staffing projects often have the capacity to provide new opportunities for some of the transitioning staff members.

As the sponsoring company, you receive regular updates on progress for each individual. Ushankk’s leadership team works closely with you to ensure that you retain your goodwill in the marketplace.

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