Staff augmentation solutions are ideal for quick ramp up of projects

In the constant effort to optimize revenues and costs, ‘just in time’ has come to establish itself as a golden rule in business. In the real world of business, it means deferring an expense or investment to the last possible point in time.

While in day-to-day operations, especially where common, material items are concerned, such as buying paper, or printer ink, this principle serves companies well. But there could be other situations where it might not. Such situations usually pertain to human resources who, whether we like it or not, are not available on a store shelf and need to be identified and evaluated through a series of processes.

This ‘constraint’ with respect to human resources could spell trouble for a company unless handled with care and sensitivity. Imagine a situation where a company is bidding for a project and making progress. The gap between the target date of the contract being awarded and the date of starting work is not enough to hire and train all resources needed for it.

If the company asks for a longer gap, it runs the risk of being eliminated from consideration. If they start the hiring process earlier, without the contract having been awarded, they run the risk of incurring cost that might go waste if the contract is not won.

What is a company to do?

Why, rely on a staff augmentation partner of course.

An experienced staff augmentation partner like Ushankk has the ability to pull out all stops to ensure that the manpower resource requirements of a client are fulfilled. A quick ramp up requirement of a project is an example of a business situation where support from a capable staffing company can be invaluable.

The partner can fulfil the requirements in many different ways:

  • Out of the staff members working on another client assignment requiring similar skills, there could be an opportunity for realignment of resources and releasing some for the new project.
  • With a Contract to Hire (C2H) arrangement, the lead time required for hiring a full-time resource can be drastically reduced.
  • With its strong relationships in the domain, the outsourced staffing partner can expedite the search for suitable resources.
  • If the client has an RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) arrangement with the staffing company, it is already streets ahead of competitors with a resource and staff augmentation partner on its team.

Now there is no need of maintaining a bench, either for replacing staff who leave or for a quick ramp up of projects. HR consulting firms such as Ushankk make it their business to augment your staff strength, in numbers as well as skills, so that you have one less variable to worry about.


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