A role as an IT contractor can put you on a fast-track growth path

Many of us have grown up with a desire to secure a place in the world as well as to secure our old age. We worry less about the thirty-plus years of active working life and how to make the most of it and more about the less active life that ensues at some point after sixty for many.

The unspoken vibes and messages we receive from the older generations, and even the spoken ones, may be contributing to this desire. This is why government jobs continue to draw people in droves. Once obtained, a government job is usually guaranteed to last a lifetime. The salary may not permit a lavish life, but at least it provides security.

Lower on security but higher on money comes a job with a private employer, the larger usually considered to be the better, perhaps again for security reasons. Larger employers are likely to have defined processes, reducing the possibility of whim-based decision-making, including sacking. A private job provides the opportunity to earn a lot more, but comes with a risk of being terminated at any time.

In a young nation, struggling to find its feet, this thinking was understandable.

Perhaps expectedly, signs of change are now visible. Increasing economic prospects have made it possible for young workers to look beyond security in their work. Youngsters are learning to identify what their interests are and choose a career accordingly, rather than choosing one for the security it provides. The startup ecosystem is buzzing. The gig economy has thousands of people signing up for outcome-based work almost every other day.

It is no surprise that in a nation known for its strength in software and technology, the role of an IT contractor has come to establish itself as a key position in the scheme of things of most large organizations. It provides skills and knowledge and manpower to them when they need it, without the responsibility of long-term engagement. This trend is supported and driven by renowned providers of staffing solutions such as Ushankk.

But, what about the IT contractors themselves? How does it help them?

They are having a ball.

Firstly, instead of being button-holed into doing what, in normal employed life, their employer would be asking them to do, they will be working on technologies that they have interest in.

How is that?

Because that is what they have stated on their profile as their area of interest. Besides, when an offer comes along that does not fit the bill, they can say no. Manpower consulting companies like Ushankk that they sign up with are conscious of their preferences and try to match their skills and preferences with assignments.

By focusing on their area of interest they will not only do work that is of better quality and earn accolades and stars, they will also enhance their skills in that area through repeated assignments.

There is more. They will be able to build a network of like-minded people and support each other in the quest. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats.

Better remuneration is often the result as they enhance their skills and competence. If the area is one where the skills are less easily available, even more so.

When they move from one role to another, the transition can be quick, unlike in employment, which usually takes a long time for evaluation and consummation and eventual joining. Thus, they will be able to do more.

There are many other advantages of a contractual role such as opportunities for multi and upskilling. Check out our post on the role of an IT consultant to know more about the benefits.

What does it eventually lead to?

Faster growth. Isn’t that what we all want?

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