Ushankk Enterprises

How to select an outplacement partner

The debate between offering outplacement services with the help of inhouse resources versus hiring a partner firm seems to be more or less settled. Increasingly, a larger number of corporations are choosing to work with HR consulting firms as a partner for the outplacement services that are offered to employees usually during times of business …

How to select an outplacement partner Read More »

Why outplacement needs to be outsourced

In an increasingly dynamic world, where decision horizons are getting shorter, providing an outplacement service to outgoing staff members has become a fairly established good practice among large corporations. It is considered to be the ‘right’ thing to do as well as a brand-protection and enhancement strategy. Though the core composition of services offered has …

Why outplacement needs to be outsourced Read More »

The relevance of soft skills in the modern organisation

The debate between hard and soft skills is age-old. Many people in possession of hard skills tend to look down upon the relevance of soft skills, only to discover the truth at a critical juncture in their career. What is a hard skill? A skill that can typically be quantified and measured is considered to …

The relevance of soft skills in the modern organisation Read More »

Upskilling and Reskilling – Leveraging Potential Effectively

In a dynamic world and workplace, companies constantly grapple with the need for upskilling and reskilling of employees. As new families of jobs and requirements evolve and establish themselves, many employee skills either become commoditized or outdated. Though it is happening in the technology and digital world at a rapid pace, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) …

Upskilling and Reskilling – Leveraging Potential Effectively Read More »

How to Ensure Reliable Technical IT Support

It is often stated that nowadays every company is a technology company. The context, more often than not, is digital technology. In many ways, there is some truth in this statement. Even a company that, prima facie, appears to be traditional, or bricks and mortar, will place significant reliance on digital tools for their work, …

How to Ensure Reliable Technical IT Support Read More »

Outplacement is a key pillar to support the maintenance of goodwill in the marketplace

Outplacement often gets confused with outsourced staffing when, in fact, they are almost the opposite of each other. Of course, experienced staffing solutions providers such as Ushankk often provide both services as they are like the two sides of a coin for them. Outsourced staffing is the service you need when your company is seeking …

Outplacement is a key pillar to support the maintenance of goodwill in the marketplace Read More »

Engineers on demand and the advantage for organizations

In the last few years, we have gradually eased into an on-demand world. A flexible and scalable cloud reduces investment required in on-premise infrastructure and staff augmentation solutions reduce the need for hiring permanent staff. The use of on-demand engineers is fast gaining popularity, with a large number of global corporations employing them in one …

Engineers on demand and the advantage for organizations Read More »

Signs that your business needs to engage a staffing company

Business is uncertain. You run a business with what you think is an objective view of the future, but often the reality turns out to be different. Adding to the uncertainty is the fact that one of the key resources employed by businesses is people. People take time to hire and train. Each person is …

Signs that your business needs to engage a staffing company Read More »

Overcoming the challenge of managing remote employees

One of the ways in which the workplace has been fundamentally altered by the pandemic is that remote work has become an accepted and important part of it. Earlier experiments, in hindsight, seemed to have been done half-heartedly, or with a pre-decided outcome that it would not work. The pandemic separated the grain from the …

Overcoming the challenge of managing remote employees Read More »

Recruitment consultants can meet client resource needs through multiple sources

When it comes to meeting the resource requirements of their clients, who are usually business corporations in various industries, staffing companies regularly pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. Whether they have to beat the bushes for it, or crawl into dark recesses of the world wide web, they find a way to ferret …

Recruitment consultants can meet client resource needs through multiple sources Read More »

Staffing agencies in India bring recruiters and jobseekers together through innovative solutions

“East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,” remarked Rudyard Kipling once. The same was said about qualified candidates and job opportunities. They seemed to exist on different planes with no point of intersection. Recruiters with open positions would complain about the lack of talent in the world and qualified …

Staffing agencies in India bring recruiters and jobseekers together through innovative solutions Read More »

Small towns of India could be the answer to the IT talent crunch

A McKinsey research report, published towards the end of 2021, on the nature and characteristics of the phenomenon called the Great Attrition by some and the Great Resignation by others, stated that more than 19 million US workers—and counting—had quit their jobs since April 2021. These findings were consistent across all five countries surveyed (Canada, …

Small towns of India could be the answer to the IT talent crunch Read More »

Candidates as contractors can benefit from quick placement and varied employment opportunities of staffing companies

Getting hired by an established organization is becoming an uphill task. The hiring barriers have kept going up as employers have been making efforts to identify candidates with the right technical skills as well as alignment with the company’s values, for best results. Technical tests, psychometric evaluations, group discussions, several rounds of interviews, background checks, …

Candidates as contractors can benefit from quick placement and varied employment opportunities of staffing companies Read More »

Staff augmentation solutions are ideal for quick ramp up of projects

In the constant effort to optimize revenues and costs, ‘just in time’ has come to establish itself as a golden rule in business. In the real world of business, it means deferring an expense or investment to the last possible point in time. While in day-to-day operations, especially where common, material items are concerned, such …

Staff augmentation solutions are ideal for quick ramp up of projects Read More »

A hybrid model of permanent and contractual staff may be the way forward

Hybrid. This single word that encompasses more than one. Traditionally used in biology in reference to a plant or animal bred from two separate, distinct species, it is finding increasing usage in business. A hybrid car has an electric motor as well as a regular car engine. If it runs out of electric charge or …

A hybrid model of permanent and contractual staff may be the way forward Read More »

Why employers are choosing the C2H (Contract to Hire) route

In a world with increasing uncertainties, the contract-to-hire model is fast gaining currency with leading employers. But first, what is the contract-to-hire model? It is a staff augmentation model which could result in the consultant/ contractor being hired by the employer, after a defined period of time working as a consultant. It is usually predicated …

Why employers are choosing the C2H (Contract to Hire) route Read More »

Benefits and Challenges of Work From Home (WFH)

Does your company have a policy for work from home? The likely answer is a Yes. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed life in many ways. It has been brutal for many industries such as travel and hospitality, dependent on human interaction, while several others have remained relatively unimpacted. One enduring legacy of the pandemic for …

Benefits and Challenges of Work From Home (WFH) Read More »

Why IT consultants and IT contractors are sought after by companies

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, many companies have comprehended the potential and need for digital technology adoption to survive. In a world where customers have choices, and competitors are agile, innovation through technology is a must-have, for survival and for growth. However, in a competitive market, nothing comes easy. Digital technologies are evolving …

Why IT consultants and IT contractors are sought after by companies Read More »

How outsourced staffing can be a growth engine for your business

As a business owner aiming for the company’s growth and profitability, staff augmentation outsourcing could, at first glance, look like an inessential allocation of resources and time for managing a vendor relationship, apart from the people and teams actually doing the work.  Look closely, and staff augmentation could turn out to be the key to …

How outsourced staffing can be a growth engine for your business Read More »